May sound like an intricate method, but Muskaan Dental uses full mouth rehabilitation treatment to simply incorporate beneficial dental treatments to fix or restore your smile. We not only assist you in relish smiling again but also bolster and strengthen your strong oral tissues and tooth structures. The precise treatments that make up your full mouth reconstruction will depend on the specific problems that influence your smile. During your consultation, we will thoroughly examine your dental problems, and what mixture of treatments can restore your smile in a cautious, minimally-meddling way.
The Reason for Full Mouth Reconstruction
Full mouth reconstruction is not just a possibility; it’s a necessity, since your teeth cannot recover from harm or infection on their own. A whittled edge, a broken surface or even a small cavity will pose a significant threat to your oral health if left to grow terrible through absence of treatment.
In numerous cases, a tooth filling or dental crown may be able to restore a single plagued tooth. Yet, many patients exhibit a number of complications with more than one tooth, and/or the gum tissues around them. We formulate various treatment plans to restore your smile’s good health; when that requires more than a single technique, every treatment adds up to full mouth rehabilitation.
Who are the true contenders for Full Mouth Rehabilitation?
The ideal patients for full mouth reconstruction need to be in good health overall but also have several missing or severely damaged teeth.
People who have worn or old-looking teeth, people who want a makeover of their smile design, those with worn or sensitive teeth, those who have lost their back teeth, or if you have headaches and clicking joints.
Often full mouth rehabilitation patients need replacement of their existing dental improvements that become worn out through years of use.
While full mouth reconstruction is a technique that employs multiple sittings and appointments, the results are astonishing. An entirely operational mouth, outstanding oral health, and a beaming smile that gives you conviction.
Nearly all patients who need full rehabilitation have one thing similar: their mouth suffers from stress and strain. The stress is an outcome of improper functioning or poorly relevant parts of the oral mechanism. The goal of this procedure is to minimize stress and strain so that they are not destructive.
Designing Your Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Whether your teeth are injured, infected, or lost, or your gums are diseased and need periodontal treatment, we offer a variety of services to address your unique needs. Depending on your situation, your full mouth reconstruction can comprise of;
-Dental crowns that cover, protect, and restore teeth
-Porcelain veneers that can enhance the impression of several teeth at once
-Dental implants for comprehensive tooth replacement
-TMJ treatment to improve your bite’s function and alleviate jaw discomfort
Consultation for Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Since teeth are replaced in multiple components we'll ensure they are reconciled with your joints.
The great thing about this treatment with us is that patients can go from no teeth to full teeth in a matter of a few sittings. The result is so satisfying that nobody can tell the prosthetic teeth apart from the natural ones.
Full mouth rehabilitation includes a combination of dental treatments and we offer a highly customized treatment, tailored for each patient.
Using technology, we can give you the most desirable smile, comfort, and teeth that'd prevail for a lifetime. Full rehabilitation treatment with us will not only help your appearance but also give you the ability to chew better and alleviate pain and sensitivity of teeth